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Tuesday, March 28, 2006 can run, but you can't hide!

DEVELOPING STORY- Tuesday, 28th March, 2006 ( 11:22am)

I'm no good at predicting future events, but I had a hunch that Charles Ghankay Taylor ( "one of the 3 most important wanted war crimes suspects in the world", ex-rebel warlord, ex-Liberian president and unrepentant jailbreaker) would escape from the hands of those who seek to bring him to justice one more time! And yes he has done it again.
Unconfirmed reports ( a streaming news item on this Tuesday morning) have it that the mass murderer has escaped from his "gilded cage" as Elizabeth Blunt( described the Calabar mansion where he's been holed with his family for the past couple of months.
The details are still sketchy, as no other major news agency has picked up this story, but it is not an unlikely possibility. If Charles Taylor could escape form jail in 'almighty' America, how much more from Nigeria.
The timing of this particular one will have done his big brother and host's image no good at all. Obasanjo is expected at the White House on Wednesday, 29th March. And while the release of the American and British hostages in the Niger Delta may have earned him some brownie points with George Bush, the White House visit if not cancelled, is likely to be dominated and rubbished by this bad news!
Amidst various concerns raised by people such as the Chief Prosecutor of the war crimes court in Sierra Leone, Desmond da Silva, it is sad to think that another Alameiyeseigha style escape has been hatched right under the very noses of Nigerian security.
I will follow this up as much as I can from the corner where I'm writing from and do an update.
But listen up Charles, if you think you can run... you can't hide for long.
Your sins will find you out.
Your accomplices will know no rest either.
And whether you like it or not, you will be caught - dead or alive.
I think most of us will prefer the latter option, so that you can pay for your evil deeds, you bloody coward!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Broda Oju yin re e..O to'jo meta

Its taken a whole month between my first( and last) blog and this one, not the 3 days that the title of this blog suggests.
Contributory factors to that one month leave have ranged from pressing deadlines for turning in coursework to forgetfulness. But the summary of all those excuses is explained in the phrase - Inadequate Planning.
This blog is for me a warning, reminder and wake-up call all rolled into one.
But in the space of this month a few interesting events have happened which I've been opportuned to be part of and then there have been the missed and highly rued opportunities. A bit of both will come in subsequent posts But first some background in this post.
I once heard someone describe Excuse along these lines.
Ex- is defined as out of; former
C- is roman numeral for 100
Use-To put into service or apply for a purpose.
Adding all 3 together reads something like: Out of 100% use!

By mine and every weight known, I have not stacked up!
My challenge is to step up my game very very very well...or else?
I am writing this as a sort of public "check urself b4 u wreak urself" Well, maybe the wreak part is saying it too seriously, but the message is this - Urgent Progress is required on this Work-in-Progress called Adeolu Ashaye.
Watch this space for the exclusive progress reports of him.
No more excuses!
Its time to live at Installed 100% capacity
